The Selenium website has a new look!

We’re very happy to announce the new look for the Selenium website!

We have been working hard during the last few weeks redoing our website. Today, we are very happy to share it with the community and we are hoping to get as much feedback as possible!

We did a major revamp to our website two years ago. However, this revamp had some “technical debt” in it…

We use Hugo to generate our website, and to build a website with Hugo, one normally needs to select a Hugo theme. Our previous website was being built using two different Hugo themes, which was less than ideal. Having two Hugo themes was hard to maintain and accepting contributions was tricky in some cases.

This new website version is using the Docsy theme, made by some folks at Google and used by other popular projects such as Apache Airflow and Kubernetes. Using Docsy helps us to focus more on the website’s content rather than spending lots of time maintaining the underlying details of it.

We all hope you will like the new look and please check our contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to the Selenium website.

Happy testing!

Last modified March 11, 2022: Fixing tweet warnings (18dd6dc9df)